FAQ’s and Resources

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What are PRP Injections?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from a person’s own blood via venous puncture. Plasma are cells within your blood that are involved in the clotting and healing process. When PRP is injected into the affected or injured area(s) it creates an inflammatory response initiating the healing process. PRP releases enzymes that attract stem cells and growth factors to repair the injured area(s). In the process new collagen develops, beginning to shrink, tighten, and strengthen the injured area(s).

How do I schedule an appointment?

Contact us and we’ll make every effort to accommodate your request!

What is the process for PRP and how long will it take?

Once the blood is collected through venous puncture, it is placed in a centrifuge and spun. During this process, its components, red blood cells, platelet rich plasma, platelet poor plasma and buffy coat are separated and combined then activated with calcium chloride. The plasma is extracted from the blood and injected into the pain site or area of treatment. The treatment takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Do PRP injections work for other issues besides pain?

Absolutely, PRP injections are also provided for hair loss treatment. We cannot guarantee 100% results as every client and body respond different to therapeutic treatment.

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